A New Role

7 Dec 2023

I’ve been at Cydar just short of ten years. In that time, the company has grown from six people to almost 60, and from core technology to a software medical device supporting thousands of surgeries across six countries. In 2017, I took on the role of Chief Technology Officer, a role that has grown as the company has. The focus of a startup CTO is initially building the technology itself, but increasingly other things come to the fore; working with partners, integrating the product into the wider ecosystem, and working with the rest of the leadership team to define the vision and direction of the product.

I’ve been doing all of these for the last six years, but in 2023 Cydar has kicked into a higher gear in terms of growth and ambition. It’s common for companies at our stage to find that the functions of the CTO, each of which get more involved and complex, reach the point where they can’t all be covered by a single individual. The organisation needs to change to reflect this new reality if it’s to continue to succeed and grow.

Hence, we’re splitting my former role in two. As of the first of December, Cydar has a new CTO, Prasanna Rangadurai. Prasanna’s experience at building medical software businesses will be crucial in taking us to the next level. At the same time, I’ve moved to the role of Chief Software Architect, allowing me to focus on the long term development of the technology, ensuring that it can both scale as our business does and grow into the new areas we want to explore.

Changes like these are always a little nerve-racking, but I’m optimistic. I’m looking forward to working with Prasanna, and I think it’s the best way to take Cydar forward. Moreover, I’m relishing the opportunity to get back to focussing on software itself, and taking on some meaty technical challenges. For me, and for Cydar, the journey continues.

This site is maintained by me, Rob Hague. The opinions here are my own, and not those of my employer or anyone else. You can mail me at rob@rho.org.uk, and I'm @robhague@mas.to on Mastodon and robhague on Twitter. The site has a full-text RSS feed if you're so inclined.

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